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Astrid's fleece 2023 ~ Gotland ~ nearly 3 lbs ~ minimal vm


Beautiful silky soft locks with a shimmery lustre is the best way to describe Astrid's locks.  She grows a mostly deep charcoal grey fibre but there are some lighter gray and a little light creamy white locks from her chest.  This particular season, Astrid's staple length is from 9 cm and her whole fleece is nearly 3 lbs total.  There is minimal vm in this fleece, but you can expect little bits here and there.  There are also some seemingly matted parts, but it combs out.  There are also some smaller bits.  Overall, it is a terrific fleece!

Astrid is a registered Gotland ewe who is the matriarch of many of our younger Gotland cross sheep.  She is an inquisitive girl, and very alert.  Astrid soon became the leader of the flock, protecting all the other sheep.  She is very personable and fearless...Astrid is a lovely girl.

Gotland sheep trace back to Sweden and grow long locks that resemble mohair wool.  Gotland locks spin up into a soft, drapey yarn that lends itself well to shawls and cowls.  It truly tansforms from a longwool type fibre into a silky spun yarn.  Gotland fleece is a joy to spin and Astrid's fibre is an excellent example of the breed.


*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed.  It has not been thoroughly picked and you will find some minimal vm in the locks.  It is up to you to scour your fleece.

*If you would like to purchase multiple fleeces or a fleece and other items, please order them separately as this platform doesn't account for shipping costs for larger items.  Simply purchase your first fleece, then go ahead and purchase any other items afterwards.  Thank you so much!