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Flora's fleece ~ Merino ~ 1 lb ~ PRISTINE


Flora's fleece is 5 lbs of soft, bouncy heaven!  Available in 1 lb lots, Flora's wool was carefully handpicked to ensure only the best locks were collected.  Free of vm or second cuts, this is a dreamy fleece for the handspinner.

Flora is a Debouillet Merino (Rambouillet crossed with Delaine Merino).  She was one of the first sheep to arrive at Gladsheim Farm.  She is an excellent mother and the gentlest of ewes.  She grows a copious amount of fibre and it washes up white, soft, and bouncy.  Flora's lock length is just over 2" at 5.5cm.  With her beauty mark on her upper lip, Flora is our movie star queen of the flock.

The Debouillet Merino hails from New Mexico, a cross between the Rambouillet (French Merino) and the Delaine Merino.  Their locks tend to be dense and blunt with a tight crimp.  Debouillet fleece dyes beautifully and can be quite greasy...which washes out.  You will see dirty tips before scouring but these will disappear.  Debouillet Merino is an excellent choice for lighter, delicate yarns though with enough twist, will prove to be quite durable.


*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed.  It has been thoroughly picked and weighed, then packaged to prevent moth damage.  It is up to you to scour your fleece.

*If you would like to purchase multiple fleeces or a fleece and other items, please order them separately as this platform doesn't account for shipping costs for larger items.  Simply purchase your first fleece, then go ahead and purchase any other items afterwards.  Thank you so much!