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Aurora's fleece 2024 ~ 2/3 Shetland with Gotland + BFL ~ 1 lb 4 ounces ~ low to medium vm


Aurora's fleece is one of the most striking fleeces ever grown here at Gladsheim Farm.  Her facial markings, her size and stature are more like a large Shetland, but her fleece is fantastically fluffy, incredibly soft halo of lustrous long locks.  Truly a stunning sheep!

While most of Aurora's locks are a creamy white, she has a multi-coloured fleece in parts, owing to her Shetland genes.  You will find some light creamy grey locks, as well as darker oatmeal coloured locks...even some black locks that resemble the Shetland fleeces.  What is unique to Aurora is the length of her staple...many of the locks are up to 5 inches long!

This fleece has some vm as it is the seconds from her thoroughly picked 2024 fleece.  However, with care, it can be made into gorgeous yarn as it comes from a dreamy fleece.  You may spin her wool to show off the variegated tones of her wool, or combed/carded together to make a uniform soft creamy grey yarn.  Aurora has a gorgeously soft fleece, giving it a lovely handle.


*If you would like to purchase multiple fleeces or a fleece and other items, please order them separately as this platform doesn't account for shipping costs for larger items.  Simply purchase your first fleece, then go ahead and purchase any other items afterwards.  Thank you so much!