Lilac's fleece is a fluffy pile of perfection. She has an abundant of creamy white, bouncy locks that are mostly about 10 to 11 cm (4") long. Lilac's fleece is very soft and was coated so you can expect the best of the best here. This is available as an entire fleece weighing nearly 4 lbs total.
Lilac is our goofy girl. She grows so much wool that she bulges like a marshmallow below her coat. She is a Romeldale sheep, meaning a cross between a merino and a Romney. This results in bouncy long locks of super soft fibre...a spinner's dream! Lilac is an affectionate girl who likes to lounge around and get chin scratches. She is such a character!
This fleece is spectacular and will make wonderful garments once spun up. Prepare for next to skin quality!
*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed. It has been minimally picked and weighed, then packaged to prevent moth damage. You can expect some minimal vm. It is up to you to scour your fleece.