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Poppy's fleece 2024 ~ Gotland x CVM ~ 5.25 lbs ~ minimal skirting


Poppy's lamb fleece has lock lengths of over 8cm.  It is a total of 5.25 lbs of bouncy locks.  There is a fair amount of vm in the fleece, but a lot may be shaken out.  The fleece has typically darker tips, but will wash up to reveal the white wool that is a dream to spin.

Poppy is a cross between a Gotland and a CVM.  The Gotland genes lend a good length to her fleece while the CVM traits give it softness and easy ability to spin.  Poppy is our flock chatterbox.  She loves to greet people, dogs, and other sheep with a lot of conversational baa-ing.  Poppy is a good natured sheep, happy to be leaping in the air for joy!  

Gotland sheep are from Sweden and known for their shimmery curls that spin up into a lustrous, drapey yarn.  The CVM is a cross between Merino and Romney, an ideal handspinner's sheep with copious amounts of springy locks.  Together, these two fabulous breeds create a unique and desirable fibre.  Any garments made from Poppy's wool will be lovely, from sweaters to hats to cowls to mittens.


*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed.  It has not been picked and may contain bits of vm and some second cuts.  It is packaged to prevent moth damage.  It is up to you to scour your fleece.