Posey's fleece is really beautiful with luscious 8cm long locks that are white, bouncy, and super soft. There has been minimal skirting but Posey's wool has minimal vm, and maybe the occasional tag. There are 2 lots available, each is 4 lbs. With a little cleaning, you will be delighted by Posey's wool.
Posey is a Debouillet Merino (Rambouillet crossed with Delaine Merino). She was one of the first sheep to arrive at Gladsheim Farm. Posey is my sidekick, if a farmer can have a sheep as a sidekick. She is loyal, calm, and has the sweetest demeanour. When she sees me coming, she greets me at the gate for chin scratches, and then stays by my side as I walk the pasture.
The Debouillet Merino hails from New Mexico, a cross between the Rambouillet (French Merino) and the Delaine Merino. Their locks tend to be dense and blunt with a tight crimp. Debouillet fleece dyes beautifully and can be quite greasy...which washes out. You will see dirty tips before scouring but these will disappear. Debouillet Merino is an excellent choice for lighter, delicate yarns though with enough twist, will prove to be quite durable.
*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed. It has been minimally picked and weighed, then packaged to prevent moth damage. You can expect some minimal vm. It is up to you to scour your fleece.