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Stella Blue's fleece 2023 ~ Gotland x Shetland + BFL ~ 1 lb 4 oz ~ PRISTINE


Stella Blue's fleece is a gorgeous combination of colours...mostly creamy grey to silvery and charcoal.  This fleece weighs just over 1 lb and is available as one bag full of throughly picked locks that are 5-9cm long.  Stella Blue grows incredibly soft curls and it is a delight to spin up.  Warning : her fleece is quite smelly, though no dirtier than others.  It will wash out easily when scoured.

Stella Blue is a unique cross of Gotland with Shetland and Blue Faced Leicester...a spinner's dream!  Her satin-like locks shimmer and spin up beautifully.


*This is a raw fleece, meaning it is unwashed.  It is also quite smelly, though that will wash out with scouring.  It has been thoroughly picked and weighed, then packaged to prevent moth damage.  It is up to you to scour your fleece.

*If you would like to purchase multiple fleeces or a fleece and other items, please order them separately as this platform doesn't account for shipping costs for larger items.  Simply purchase your first fleece, then go ahead and purchase any other items afterwards.  Thank you so much!